Tuesday, April 9, 2019

New Trucking Jobs in Canada Part 1| Students and Truck Drivers | Johny Hans New Video

Thanks to Karan Salhotra , a Dispatcher from Trucking Company who understands the industry . Trucking Companies in Canada are growing day by day and so are the new jobs in Canada . So if you are planning to come or already in canada . Get your skills ready and watch if you want to know more about Transport jobs in Canada .
New trucking jobs in Canada is all about what are new things happening in Trucking industry in Canada. Logistics and Trucking is huge and it needs a lot of workforce to make things happen. In New trucking jobs in Canada Part 1 , discussed about how there are other jobs besides being a truck driver . How does the machinery work in a trucking company . Karan Salhotra is working very closely with the industry and brings a fresh perspective that how as a dispatcher he is winning the game and how New trucking jobs in Canada are being created for Students and Truck Drivers . There is a lot in the trucking industry that contribute to the Canadian economy and we will be covering different aspects of it . New trucking jobs in Canada are accessible to everyone who wants to work hard and earn a fortune . Watch Johnyhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mi1hNXiAsx0 Hans in conversation with Karan Salhotra . #truckjobs #driversincanada #transportjobs